January 29th, 2015

Today was an emotional roller coaster for poor Anam. We went for a potty break and bird watching (he's just discovering birds but hasn't quite figured out those shadows he likes to chase on the ground come from the same birds he stares at in the trees as they fly... oh my special Pupcake! ) and then in for a yummy breakfast. He's such a good boy! We've been working hard on "place". That's where he has a designated place to sit and wait for his instructions, or all the treats I bribe him with while he's learning. This way I don't step on him or trip over him but he's still close by so when he's a full grown working boy he's right there ready to help if needed. We use bath mats for him to sit on. He's doing really well with it. If he "forgets", all I have to say is "is that where your place is?" and he bounces over to his rug with that happy-go-lucky puppy smile and flops down with a look of accomplishment and great pride... and waits for his treat. So breakfast is made in his bowl and we head to the bedroom and his kennel.

Our day was pretty normal for a bit besides having to take the nasty mite medicine, which in all honesty he's really good about. We took some time in the afternoon to go out and play some fetch for awhile. It was really windy but still lots of fun. Anam seems to almost grasp the concept of bringing the ball to me... well, close to me... past me? OK! We have a lot of work yet on this one! He did actually bring the ball to me and actually put it in my hand once. I'd like to think it wasn't a complete accident. One out of a hundred isn't all that bad... right? We still had fun no matter what. It lightens my heart to watch those long puppy legs and huge paddle feet flop around as he bounds after the ball. Those ears flapping in the wind as he runs with the ball and a look like it's the most valuable thing in the world. I have as much fun as he does I think. Now there's a tired puppy. Our other "trick" is bringing in our toys. So I got him to pick up his ball and we headed to the house for a little nap time.
Back to normal again with playing, cat teasing, dinner... and then the horrible part happened! You see, Anam's sisters, Athena and Persephone, are getting spayed on Friday (they're bunnies). So I waited until late to clean their cages since I had to take out all food and water by midnight. Anam is still a little too excited about the bunnies, not in a mean way, but in a smack every thing with his huge puppy paws kind of way... so he had to go in the kennel. There was a protest... for over an hour... loudly. The bunnies and I ignored him the best we could and now there are clean cages and well cuddled bunnies, although they are not happy that there is no hay, pellets, water or veggies since they are having surgery. Afterwards, I was rude and took a long, hot shower before I freed the poor, tortured puppy from his captivity where he had been held against his will for months! (just ask him... he'll tell you it was months!) I finally came to my senses and we did our last potty run of the night and ended this roller coaster of emotions. Being a puppy is hard, but being a puppy in a house with other animals is impossible! The world should know a puppy as cute, adorable, smart, and important as Anam should be the center of ALL attention in the house... just ask him, he'll tell you it's true!

I hope you can see the full on pout of this poor tortured puppy as his nose his stuffed through the bars of his kennel. Poor thing had to sleep on cushy fleece blankets with his 2 favorite toys. I feel so guilty... I'm so terrible. <insert eye roll here>

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