January 26th, 2015

Just took Anam out and there's a good 1/2" of snow on the ground. He looked confused at first then started going crazy. After he did what he was suppose to, I let him off the leash and he tore around the yard at hyper speed with his butt in low drag mode. Too funny! What is it about snow that makes dog just lose it?

It's 11:02 pm and we just went out again (I'm afraid to say no... he just started ASKING to go out!) and we barely cleared the porch before he went nuts because now there's more snow. I just gave in and got him to hold still long enough to take the leash off and let him go. He was running and kicking up snow so it looked like a smoke screen behind him. I swear I could hear him giggle! He would run in circles so he could run through the spray. If he got too far away he would come back to me at full speed then kangaroo hop around me a couple times and take off again jumping at the big snowflakes trying to catch them. Its too funny! I thought I was going to wet myself! Anam was good though. If he got to far and I called him he came back or if he went towards the front where he's not supposed to be and I told him no he turned immediately and headed to where he knew was ok. He was great! I knew he didn't want to come in but I was freezing so I knew his feet probably were too. I called him and walked to the porch and he came immediately up with me, no hesitations. I didn't even put the leash on since there was no one out and we went in. When I took his sweatshirt off it was damp so I'm glad I brought him in when I did. I hung it up on the closet door and he sat under it and stared at it. He knows wearing it means going out to do fun things. And before anyone teases us for dressing my dog... teaching him to get use to wearing a sweatshirt, coat, whatever, makes it easier when it comes time for him to wear his service dog vest and backpack... and he's adorable!

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