January 27th, 2015

Anam had his first official visit to the vet today. He forgot he knew anything and was nervous. Of course, I forgave him. Still a good boy, but very nervous. The exam and all went great and all his shots are up to date and fine. The vet was very nice and won him over with in seconds. He had Anam looks great and is a handsome boy! Like we didn't already know that!! He does have a little problem left over from his shelter days... tape worms. The vet said no big deal and not a threat to any of the other critters because it only spreads through eating an infected flea or an actual little worm. (gag!) He checked him over and there was no signs of fleas! Meds were given for that and taken in the beloved cream cheese of happiness when we got home and that's it! We have to keep up the Ivermectin for 3 more weeks and then a recheck. He gained a pound so now he weighs 28.7 lbs. but I promise you it feels like 200 lbs when he jumps you mid looney puppy run through. Now we're home for a nap!

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