January 10th, 2015

Shhh... Don't tell my mom but this Anam! I borrowed her phone and wanted post about something GREAT! Today was tough. We met a week ago today, me and my new momma and it's been pretty awesome. I get lots of love, pets, and scratchins'. I had a really bad tummy ache and she took care of me! She even figured out how to rub my belly to make the hiccup things go away. We cuddle all the time and I've learned lots of stuff like Sit, Lay Down, Leave It, and not to sniff the cat (cats are very angry and very sharp... watch out for them!) but today I had to learn a horrible lesson... how to "freight train" ... no that's not right! "Crate Train" that's it! Momma opens the box door and I knew to go right in! I even sat down! Momma says I'm super smart! But then she closed the door AND LEFT! She forgot me! She was gone for weeks! I called out, and called out but she didn't come back! She left me ... "the best puppy in the world"! Finally... she came back and we had a thing called a "discussion" about barking and "losing my mind" (which makes no sense 'cause I know where it is!) and we opened a great present from our friend Heather and her furkids Blanche and Minion. They sent me a sweatshirt, collar, treats and a super nice card! It made the day better. I put some pictures up so everyone could see! What great friends! I have some growing to do, but I'll get there soon! Thanks Williams Family! That was so nice of you! Still not sure about the Crate Training thing though.

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