Across a crowded room...

Where do I begin? Let's see... A little background would help. May 17th, 2013 I went into surgery for a radical hysterectomy because of endometrial cancer... long story short, my spine was damaged along with my intestines during the surgery. Several surgeries, procedures, and various things that should be considered torture later, two and a half months had passed and i was finally going home! I had awoken that day after surgery paralyzed from the ribs down and no one knew if I would get the movement back or not. I fought and clawed my way to be able to stand, then to take a few steps, then walk a bit, then walk on my own, and now mostly I use a cane and walk like a penguin, but at least I walk! I'm left now with what's called Brown-Sequard Syndrome. Basically half my spinal cord is severely damaged which leaves half my lower body pretty bad off and the other side of my spinal cord has some damage which, of course, means some damage to that side of my lower body. My balance is terrible, lifting, bending, etc. are pretty much out of the question. There are days I'm bed ridden because of pain. Recent events have found me living alone now and I'm a high-risk fall "victim". Enter the really cool part!

In 9 hours I will be going to pick up the new man in my life. He's a bit young, but we can work around that. Big brown eyes framed by long eye lashes that I promise you seem like they are just looking straight into your soul! He's a bit short, but I'm certain he still has a lot of growing to do. Beautiful chocolate brown hair with not a one out of place. Maybe I shouldn't tell you this but... well... he's a really good kisser too! I met him on Saturday and in minutes, no, seconds! My heart was gone! I should paste my Facebook post... it says it all and in the heat of the moment!

"I said I would never fall in love again... the heart breaks were just too much. But there we were, in that crowded room, among all that chaos and noise. Our eyes met. He walked over like he owned the joint. He tripped but played it off like he meant to do it. I stood there thinking I'm too old for this, he's way to young, this could never work... or could it. Then, he gave me that knowing look of his that said everything I needed to know and reached out to me. My hand betrayed me and reached back for him. It was over in an instant but I had to at least look like I had some control so I said "sit", and he did. The kid close by tried to distract us but it just didn't work. He stared into my eyes with a challenge of "what's next? I can do it all! Let me prove it to you!" Defeated, I requested a private room so we could explore our love affair further. Anxious, and nervous, I waited. He arrived and again I thought he was just too young for me! There he was suddenly in my lap, kissing me ever so gently and lovingly. I let him walk away, I called him back, I asked him to prove his love several times and with out hesitation he did so every time! I knew my heart was lost, yet again! i had been here before. All that was left was the paperwork. He moves in on Monday and we start the rest of our life together. I'm sure we're soul mates!"

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