January 30th, 2015

After I dropped off the bunnies this morning for their spay surgery, I came back to the house and picked up my co-pilot. We paid bills, went shopping, made new friends (he's doing much better with his fear of men... no issues today at all), had lunch out and about, explored a little, and Anam got his usual celebrity treatment he's used to. He made no effort to remember anything he's learned about manners and only proved he needs the head collar we were shopping for. Then we went and picked up our bunny girls! It was like he knew they needed extra gentle care. Normally he yips at them to talk to them, not today. Today when I put their carriers in the car he did that labrador cheek puff greeting and a very gentle sniff and that was all. I was surprised because he's been wide open all day to the point I was almost sorry I had brought him a couple times... but he was gentle with the bunnies. I got everyone set up in their houses when we got home and Anam, Gwen, and I came in the bedroom and I turned on the tv and sat on the bed. Gwen went to her favorite window and Anam immediately jumped on the bed and this picture has been it since then. He's out! For a pup who was terrified that first day of being in the car he sure has gotten over it! Bless his little pointy head! He wore himself out being a pain today! LOL

And so the don't feel left out... Anam's Beautiful Sisters


January 29th, 2015

Today was an emotional roller coaster for poor Anam. We went for a potty break and bird watching (he's just discovering birds but hasn't quite figured out those shadows he likes to chase on the ground come from the same birds he stares at in the trees as they fly... oh my special Pupcake! ) and then in for a yummy breakfast. He's such a good boy! We've been working hard on "place". That's where he has a designated place to sit and wait for his instructions, or all the treats I bribe him with while he's learning. This way I don't step on him or trip over him but he's still close by so when he's a full grown working boy he's right there ready to help if needed. We use bath mats for him to sit on. He's doing really well with it. If he "forgets", all I have to say is "is that where your place is?" and he bounces over to his rug with that happy-go-lucky puppy smile and flops down with a look of accomplishment and great pride... and waits for his treat. So breakfast is made in his bowl and we head to the bedroom and his kennel.

Our day was pretty normal for a bit besides having to take the nasty mite medicine, which in all honesty he's really good about. We took some time in the afternoon to go out and play some fetch for awhile. It was really windy but still lots of fun. Anam seems to almost grasp the concept of bringing the ball to me... well, close to me... past me? OK! We have a lot of work yet on this one! He did actually bring the ball to me and actually put it in my hand once. I'd like to think it wasn't a complete accident. One out of a hundred isn't all that bad... right? We still had fun no matter what. It lightens my heart to watch those long puppy legs and huge paddle feet flop around as he bounds after the ball. Those ears flapping in the wind as he runs with the ball and a look like it's the most valuable thing in the world. I have as much fun as he does I think. Now there's a tired puppy. Our other "trick" is bringing in our toys. So I got him to pick up his ball and we headed to the house for a little nap time.
Back to normal again with playing, cat teasing, dinner... and then the horrible part happened! You see, Anam's sisters, Athena and Persephone, are getting spayed on Friday (they're bunnies). So I waited until late to clean their cages since I had to take out all food and water by midnight. Anam is still a little too excited about the bunnies, not in a mean way, but in a smack every thing with his huge puppy paws kind of way... so he had to go in the kennel. There was a protest... for over an hour... loudly. The bunnies and I ignored him the best we could and now there are clean cages and well cuddled bunnies, although they are not happy that there is no hay, pellets, water or veggies since they are having surgery. Afterwards, I was rude and took a long, hot shower before I freed the poor, tortured puppy from his captivity where he had been held against his will for months! (just ask him... he'll tell you it was months!) I finally came to my senses and we did our last potty run of the night and ended this roller coaster of emotions. Being a puppy is hard, but being a puppy in a house with other animals is impossible! The world should know a puppy as cute, adorable, smart, and important as Anam should be the center of ALL attention in the house... just ask him, he'll tell you it's true!

I hope you can see the full on pout of this poor tortured puppy as his nose his stuffed through the bars of his kennel. Poor thing had to sleep on cushy fleece blankets with his 2 favorite toys. I feel so guilty... I'm so terrible. <insert eye roll here>

January 27th, 2015

Anam had his first official visit to the vet today. He forgot he knew anything and was nervous. Of course, I forgave him. Still a good boy, but very nervous. The exam and all went great and all his shots are up to date and fine. The vet was very nice and won him over with in seconds. He had Anam looks great and is a handsome boy! Like we didn't already know that!! He does have a little problem left over from his shelter days... tape worms. The vet said no big deal and not a threat to any of the other critters because it only spreads through eating an infected flea or an actual little worm. (gag!) He checked him over and there was no signs of fleas! Meds were given for that and taken in the beloved cream cheese of happiness when we got home and that's it! We have to keep up the Ivermectin for 3 more weeks and then a recheck. He gained a pound so now he weighs 28.7 lbs. but I promise you it feels like 200 lbs when he jumps you mid looney puppy run through. Now we're home for a nap!

January 26th, 2015

Just took Anam out and there's a good 1/2" of snow on the ground. He looked confused at first then started going crazy. After he did what he was suppose to, I let him off the leash and he tore around the yard at hyper speed with his butt in low drag mode. Too funny! What is it about snow that makes dog just lose it?

It's 11:02 pm and we just went out again (I'm afraid to say no... he just started ASKING to go out!) and we barely cleared the porch before he went nuts because now there's more snow. I just gave in and got him to hold still long enough to take the leash off and let him go. He was running and kicking up snow so it looked like a smoke screen behind him. I swear I could hear him giggle! He would run in circles so he could run through the spray. If he got too far away he would come back to me at full speed then kangaroo hop around me a couple times and take off again jumping at the big snowflakes trying to catch them. Its too funny! I thought I was going to wet myself! Anam was good though. If he got to far and I called him he came back or if he went towards the front where he's not supposed to be and I told him no he turned immediately and headed to where he knew was ok. He was great! I knew he didn't want to come in but I was freezing so I knew his feet probably were too. I called him and walked to the porch and he came immediately up with me, no hesitations. I didn't even put the leash on since there was no one out and we went in. When I took his sweatshirt off it was damp so I'm glad I brought him in when I did. I hung it up on the closet door and he sat under it and stared at it. He knows wearing it means going out to do fun things. And before anyone teases us for dressing my dog... teaching him to get use to wearing a sweatshirt, coat, whatever, makes it easier when it comes time for him to wear his service dog vest and backpack... and he's adorable!

January 24th, 2015

Today was our first day off leash in the yard. Anam did fabulous! My intent was to wear him out so he would sleep in his kennel quietly so I can give the bunnies some peaceful run time. He's doing the "must keep moving... no nap, No Nap!" thing!  (I sound goofy... just ignore me!) The "quietly in his kennel" did not work... we just ignored him.

January 21st, 2015

What a busy morning! Anam supervised me unloading and reloading the dishwasher, chased and was chased by the cat, played with his chew toys, chased 3 tennis balls at one time, lost another tooth (a really sharp one - I'm grateful!), played with toys some more and ran around all crazy, went outside a bunch, practiced our commands and tricks. That makes for a very tired puppy dog!

Afternoon Update:  Anam has figured out he's now big enough to jump on the bed. This is a great delight to him causing him to jump around in excitement like a lunatic and fall off the bed... which causes him to run and jump back on the bed again then, rinse and repeat. I tried to video it but I couldn't. ... partly because he was all over the place and partly I was laughing too hard and trying not to be pounced to death by an excited puppy! Am I going to live through puppyhood? But he's so cute when he falls asleep and has his little puppy dreams. Oh my... I'm one of the sad "Dog People" aren't I??? At least he's too big to fit in a bag and carry around every where!

Sleepy Puppy!

January 20th, 2015

I have a sad puppy. He's in his kennel tonight. Usually we have cuddles at bedtime for a while til he falls asleep for a bit but tonight my back, legs and arm are hurting pretty bad so he had to go straight to bed in the kennel. He's got the pouting thing down perfect! I feel like I've beaten him and taken all of his toys away! sigh... wow... do they teach them how to guilt your new human at the shelter or what? He has his chin on his chew toy, looking up at me and doing the heavy pitiful sigh every few seconds. Oh my heart is breaking! Stay Strong! Must Stay Strong! Add a broken heart to that list of things that hurt! :(

January 16th, 2015

Well... 2015 starts out with possibly my first solo visit to the emergency room. I think the puppy may have just broken my wrist.
Soooo... that was at 8:45 pm. I spent the rest of the night in the ER. My wrist wasn't broken, just badly sprained. Anam had gotten his first bath, which went wonderfully well! We went outside to run off some of the puppy crazy zoomies and his leash zigged when I thought it was going to zag and well... it hurt! The ER staff got a huge laugh but were incredibly nice. 2 weeks in a brace and if not better then a follow up from there. Had to cut bedtime cuddles short because Anam kept trying to chew the brace off my arm. Oh the joys of puppyhood!

Anxiety and a friend ...

Anam is only 4 1/2 months old so he's still a "prospect" for a Service Dog and we've only been together 2 weeks. I was in complete denial that I had anxiety issues until I got him and realized I would get "upset" and he would bug me until I paid attention to him, starting with pawing or licking on up to full on flop in my lap, then as soon as I talked to him and pet / played, whatever he went back to his toy or what he had been doing. Reading what several of the people in groups for service dogs go through and the things their SDs (Service Dog) do for them made me stop and think, and realize I wasn't just in a "mood". There was more to it and I needed to face it and I was really lucky I had stumbled across a pup that I wanted to train as a SD for mobility and related things that was smarter than me and could help me out of those nasty, tear filled wells of sadness just by saying, as one oh so wise group member said "Look Squirrel!", with love and furry distraction. So for Anam, he's not trained for anything but "parlor tricks", I wasn't aware I was having anxiety attacks at all, just that I was terrified of "something", I was sad about it, and I was horribly anxious about a million things related to it. He senses it and distracts me by being my buddy. Sometimes we cuddle up and he noses my hand until I find his ear in my fingers (my favorite thing! Lab ears are silky soft!), sometimes it's forced bellyrubs or playing with a toy. Any kind of a distraction that pulls me out of where ever my brain falls into. It helps knowing there's someone there for you that doesn't judge. He doesn't care about the "whys" of it all, just that it's not right and he doesn't like it and wants it fixed. How amazing is it though that at 4 1/2 months old he knows what to do. We really don't give animals enough credit for their intelligence! It's been a really tough time in my life and having Anam as a friend who's always there for me has meant the world. People underestimate the power of a shelter dog!

Dress Up Your Pet Day...

Oh Sweet Anam Cara who tried to break my arm and made me spend hours in the Emergency Room..... I have a Surprise for you when I get this brace off my arm and can crochet again! Look what one of my Favorite sites posted!!! Oh I do love Moogly!!! If you have any awesome crochet patterns to add put them down in the comments with a link to the patten!!! Anam will appreciate it! :)
Yesterday was Dress Up Your Pet Day! grin emoticon But don't worry, you can tell them it's today and they won't know. Here are 10 free ‪#‎crochet‬ patterns to celebrate, via Underground Crafter! http://undergroundcrafter.com/…/dress-up-your-pet-day-2015…/ 

(I hope the links transferred over ok!! If not PLEASE let me know and I will fix it!)

January 15th, 2015

Anam and I did our last potty run and came in. I got the veggies ready and started feeding critters and filling water bottles. Suddenly, there was a thundering sound coming from the hallway, then a skidding sound. The strange thundering started again, but this time there was a loud air leak with it that sounded a lot like a cat. I turned to see what exactly was going on as the sounds drew closer. Anam was in full on Scootybutt run and the cat was high up the cat tree. Anam had ears back and flapping, butt tucked and running back and forth, sliding into everything, making laps through the house! Those big paws tripping him up on the corners. It's the first time I've seen him do that. It was priceless! One lap he would have his Kong, next lap it was his rag toy, then switch... too funny!
His personality is really starting to come out and he's a little comedian! We've only been together for 9 days but he's My Buddy. I had an anxiety attack last night because of pain and he pestered me until he finally was able to puppy barrel roll in to my lap and I realized he was worried which made me worried about him... then I realized what was going on with me. I started petting him and calming down immediately to the point where I could think straight. He's already got this Service Dog gig under control! I'm really not sure who rescued who. And I really think he's gotten taller already!

January 12th, 2015

3 successful potty trips today for the puppy and the last one included a POO! We did a happy dance in the yard... it included a poo potty song to the tune of Shake It Off... it was good... so good our neighbor jumped the fence and danced with us! He had just gotten home from work and was laughing at us and decided to join in. He took Anam on a jog in the yard for me too since I can't run. Anam loved it! I love my neighbors! It's the simple things in life!

The Best Meme...

January 11th, 2015

Crate Training Day 1: Dear God help me! BARK BARK BARK

I have an emotionally betrayed puppy. But I realized I'm exhausted and having to get up and take him out, up early, and asleep late has me warn out. I fell asleep through 2 solid hours of barking. Wow... my mom always said I could sleep through anything. ... guess she's right! But I blame myself. All week we have been inseparable. He's been sick and I'm a push over. The crate was in the garage and I had to get it unburied, pulled out, and cleaned off... so until then he just stayed with me. Now he's "alone" ... but we can make it work.

So after a bit I went to "Save" the poor tortured puppy. Well... he flipped his little puppy mind. I couldn't get him to settle at all. Noises were drowned out by the even louder barking. My spray bottle for my plants was sitting there. .. hmmm... just distilled water... squirt... quiet and quite surprised puppy. Said "Quiet! "... treat... Quick command to sit... puppy sat, opened door, called puppy, command sit again, put on leash, outside for good walk, lots of potty and now cuddles and sleeping off barking for 2 hours. YES! Success for the most part!! Happy Dance!

January 10th, 2015

Shhh... Don't tell my mom but this Anam! I borrowed her phone and wanted post about something GREAT! Today was tough. We met a week ago today, me and my new momma and it's been pretty awesome. I get lots of love, pets, and scratchins'. I had a really bad tummy ache and she took care of me! She even figured out how to rub my belly to make the hiccup things go away. We cuddle all the time and I've learned lots of stuff like Sit, Lay Down, Leave It, and not to sniff the cat (cats are very angry and very sharp... watch out for them!) but today I had to learn a horrible lesson... how to "freight train" ... no that's not right! "Crate Train" that's it! Momma opens the box door and I knew to go right in! I even sat down! Momma says I'm super smart! But then she closed the door AND LEFT! She forgot me! She was gone for weeks! I called out, and called out but she didn't come back! She left me ... "the best puppy in the world"! Finally... she came back and we had a thing called a "discussion" about barking and "losing my mind" (which makes no sense 'cause I know where it is!) and we opened a great present from our friend Heather and her furkids Blanche and Minion. They sent me a sweatshirt, collar, treats and a super nice card! It made the day better. I put some pictures up so everyone could see! What great friends! I have some growing to do, but I'll get there soon! Thanks Williams Family! That was so nice of you! Still not sure about the Crate Training thing though.

January 9th, 2015

Anam hadn't eaten hardly at all still. I know he's hungry. I can get him to eat rice or bread but if it's any where near the Science Diet food you can FORGET IT!! I can't blame him... if I had thrown up as much of that mess as he had, I wouldn't eat it either! I can tell he's lost weight. His little puppy pudge is gone and I'm so sad for him. He's starving! I decided today I didn't care if it voided some warranty or whatever and bought him some Purina Puppy Chow. He loves it! I figured since he hasn't eaten much in days I would feed him several tiny meals through the day and let his tummy stretch back out. I fed him by hand so he couldn't gobble it fast and we made it a game. A couple pieces for a shake or a sit, a couple more for a down... whatever. He had fun and he ate!!!! Best part... He didn't get Sick!!!! My heart is soaring!!! We did 4 meals over the day and he did fine. There was lots of potty breaks but that's ok! He's going to be fine! Oh my baby Pupcake scared the life out of me!!!! Fingers still crossed this continues as well as today!!!

January 8th, 2015

Well Anam did really well today. He went to my doctor's appt with me and impressed everyone. They couldn't believe he was a shelter pup with no previous training and that we had only been together 2 days. He wowed them with his Sit, Lay Down, Walking on a Leash like a Gentleman. When Dr. Bailey came in to talk Anam sat between my feet and then laid down without being told anything at all. Such a gentleman! We came back home and fixed dinner. He still didn't want to eat so I made him some rice. After giving him his meds and tricking him into eating a bit, we did a potty break and then the little heart stealer crawled in my lap and fell asleep.
I got to thinking as I sat there with that puppy head resting in my lap and losing the little bit of feeling I have left in my legs... I'm happy. It's only been a few days that I've had Anam but he's already changing my life. I feel better. My pain level is decreasing which is fantastic considering the cold front blowing through should have me in tears. Anam and I walked a lap around the yard Tuesday and I didn't even notice we had made it back to the house and I wasn't hurting or winded. I'm sleeping better. I want to do things... I made toys for Anam out of a rag rug that was falling apart today and will make him a coat (or try to) tomorrow because he shivers at night when we go out to potty. I didn't realize how sad I was over the recent life events that have happened until I started to feel happy again. I'm singing stupid songs and getting back to the old ME! All thanks to a goofy, big pawed, brown-eyed labrador puppy who loves to snuggle. What's that saying? Whoever said you can't buy love never bought a puppy.

January 7th, 2015

He's drinking water and keeping that down. He's perky and pesky this morning... the cat has threatened his life several times already. So fingers crossed his meds and the rice stuff helps his tummy and the throwing up! He didn't gobble it up like I thought he would... he wanted to eat off the spoon... so silly! But easier to watch and control so ok. Currently, he's trying to convince the cat they should play together... the cat is teaching him very bad language. But no throwing up so far! Keep your fingers crossed! My poor little Pupcake!

Update:  We had another puke session. Not as bad and he's still not wanting to eat much. Still playful and happy though and thankfully drinking water. I'm far more upset than he is. I just hate this!!!

January 6th, 2015

I'm sitting outside the shelter waiting for the vet. Anam has been throwing up A LOT! I called and they had me come straight down. The parvo test came back negative (thank God!) So we do a shot to calm our belly and some 5mg pepcid and then a skin scrap to check what all this itchy stuff is... just to make sure! He was a pretty good boy. We have to watch for a few days to make sure parvo is really off the table though. I don't even want to think about that! It's freezing cold and I'm terrified. I just found this little guy and I don't want to lose him. It breaks my heart to see him sick. Every time he eats, he throws up. They have me feeding him Science Diet. First chance I get... That changes!

Update: The shelter vet called: the skin scrap showed mites but the good news is it's the non-contagious kind so no worries for the other animals or me! I'm going to try to get him to eat some rice or something tonight. I don't know if it's because his tummy hurting or if he hates the dog food but he won't eat. Aughh!! My heart is breaking!!

Surveying his new territory

Across a crowded room...

Where do I begin? Let's see... A little background would help. May 17th, 2013 I went into surgery for a radical hysterectomy because of endometrial cancer... long story short, my spine was damaged along with my intestines during the surgery. Several surgeries, procedures, and various things that should be considered torture later, two and a half months had passed and i was finally going home! I had awoken that day after surgery paralyzed from the ribs down and no one knew if I would get the movement back or not. I fought and clawed my way to be able to stand, then to take a few steps, then walk a bit, then walk on my own, and now mostly I use a cane and walk like a penguin, but at least I walk! I'm left now with what's called Brown-Sequard Syndrome. Basically half my spinal cord is severely damaged which leaves half my lower body pretty bad off and the other side of my spinal cord has some damage which, of course, means some damage to that side of my lower body. My balance is terrible, lifting, bending, etc. are pretty much out of the question. There are days I'm bed ridden because of pain. Recent events have found me living alone now and I'm a high-risk fall "victim". Enter the really cool part!

In 9 hours I will be going to pick up the new man in my life. He's a bit young, but we can work around that. Big brown eyes framed by long eye lashes that I promise you seem like they are just looking straight into your soul! He's a bit short, but I'm certain he still has a lot of growing to do. Beautiful chocolate brown hair with not a one out of place. Maybe I shouldn't tell you this but... well... he's a really good kisser too! I met him on Saturday and in minutes, no, seconds! My heart was gone! I should paste my Facebook post... it says it all and in the heat of the moment!

"I said I would never fall in love again... the heart breaks were just too much. But there we were, in that crowded room, among all that chaos and noise. Our eyes met. He walked over like he owned the joint. He tripped but played it off like he meant to do it. I stood there thinking I'm too old for this, he's way to young, this could never work... or could it. Then, he gave me that knowing look of his that said everything I needed to know and reached out to me. My hand betrayed me and reached back for him. It was over in an instant but I had to at least look like I had some control so I said "sit", and he did. The kid close by tried to distract us but it just didn't work. He stared into my eyes with a challenge of "what's next? I can do it all! Let me prove it to you!" Defeated, I requested a private room so we could explore our love affair further. Anxious, and nervous, I waited. He arrived and again I thought he was just too young for me! There he was suddenly in my lap, kissing me ever so gently and lovingly. I let him walk away, I called him back, I asked him to prove his love several times and with out hesitation he did so every time! I knew my heart was lost, yet again! i had been here before. All that was left was the paperwork. He moves in on Monday and we start the rest of our life together. I'm sure we're soul mates!"