A Little Explanation...

Feb. 1, 2015
Currently, I'm working without a computer so I've been writing on my phone. My phone isn't always reliable, so I write on Facebook or as much as I can here and save it... sometimes I get crazy and go "old school" and actually write in a composition book (it's yellow and sassy) and then transcribe it over to here. This process has not been the most... should we say "fun"... BUT hopefully that will end in about 12 hours! Once again, my amazing daddy has come to my rescue and he believes he has fixed my computer! Yay! So until I get everything caught up (which should be very soon) bare with me please! But be warned... once I'm back with my beloved computer, there is a very good chance there will be tons of graphics and miscellaneous cuteness!

Feb. 4, 2015
I have my computer back! The blog has gotten a facelift and I've almost gotten all the posts entered and updated. (there's a couple more at this point) So hang in there... It's almost there!! I've add a subscription button so feel free (no seriously... please) to subscribe!

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