April 4th, 2015

Today I decided to take Anam to Hobby Lobby for a little public access training. I've been having issues with the Autonomic Disreflexia mess and Anam has been doing really well alerting to the spells here at the house. So I figured I would see how it went while we were out since I seem to have more small spells when I'm walking or moving about because my back swells and puts pressure on my spine. (This is why I'm "suppose" to be in a wheelchair instead of walking a lot)

I was nervous about taking him. I geared up with the cards that have the ADA laws, went over TN law in my head a couple times, made sure his Service Dog tag was on his harness, we even had a chat about being a good boy and how important it was to listen and do well. Still, I was terrified of confrontation and that Anam would just go "puppy". He's only 7 months old after all! But he's been such a great dog lately with my dad in the hospital and having to be kenneled so much and all my down time from stress crashes. He needed something different! I didn't think about it being Easter weekend in a craft store... that means lots of people!

We loaded up and headed out. There was a handicap parking space in the perfect spot. Our Hobby Lobby has a huge grassy field next to it. I figured couldn't hurt to take a just in case potty run. Walked out and told Anam to go potty. The goofball fake pooped! He knows he's suppose to go potty before he gets to do good stuff. He had just gone before we left the house so I figured, if anything, he would have to pee ... Nope... fake squat poop. I got tickled! Ok... Works for me! Let's do this!

Through the door we went. A few people gave us strange looks but honestly, there's not a lot of service dogs around here so it's kind of neat to see one. I don't mind the looks of curiosity. Past employees at the front, all smiles, no one stopped us. I couldn't find what I wanted so I had to ask. The employees (there were 2) answered my question and kept glancing down at Anam who was standing at my side like a perfect gentleman. The girl asked what breed he was and I answered lab with a little something special and she giggled. The lighting in there showed his bridle strips on his sides pretty well. She looked at him and said he was handsome. He knows!

Anam walked through there like he owned the joint. Casually glanced as we walked by people but that was it. As we we're looking for the Modge Podge (serious craft-a-holic here) Anam brushed my leg with his nose and I thought he was just wiping his face usual so I ignored it. Then he came to a dead halt and sat down in the aisle which shocked me to no end. I looked at him and as usual asked "what's wrong buddy?" and he nosed my leg and pawed my foot. Oh! Alert! Got it! I was so focused on going through the store I forgot all about that part! He gets really upset when I ignore his "work". He's very proud of his job. I stood in the aisle and waited. Just like clockwork it hit. That flush heat wave of my upper body that brings nausea, perspiration, quick mild headache, dizziness and that "oh dear Lord please don't let me pass out" feeling that feels like it takes hours to pass but it's only seconds. I felt Anam press against my leg and sit on my foot... then it was over. We moved on. My question was answered. Yes, Anam will alert while out! Supplies found! Mission accomplished!

When we were heading up front I had no choice but to walk right by a couple and I could see it on her face that she was melting. I thought "oh no... I'm going to lose him". They stopped and asked questions about Anam's breed and about service dogs, commented on how well behaved he was, asked his name and chatted for a minute which I don't mind at all. It's a chance to educate people about service dogs, rescues, also about Brown-Sequard Syndrome and cancers. Another customer and I guess her elderly mother, came up behind us and the "mom" made kissy noises at Anam. The lady with her said "that's a service dog... You're not suppose to do that". I turned and smiled. Then they asked a few questions and apologized for the kisses. The 5 of us stood talking for a few more minutes. The whole time Anam just sat beside me, calmly, like no big deal, even through the kissy noises. He almost looked bored. I was beaming with pride! We said goodbye and went on our way. We got up to the counter and stood in line. There were 2 ladies and a little girl in front of us. One lady said to the little girl "oh look! A puppy!" The little girl (probably 8ish) turned to her and very matter of factly said "Nana, that's her service dog and it's working. You don't talk to working dogs no matter how cute they are!" The little girl looked at me and I smiled and said "High Five Sister!" which earned me a huge smile in return and a high five. Anam didn't move. The cashier said people bring in dogs and fake service dogs all the time and they don't really care as long as they aren't on the floor or cause a problem (she had been telling me about a miniature poodle)but she was so excited to have a Real Service Dog in the store and to please feel welcome back any time! I just keep thinking We Did It! Our 1st Really Crowded Store! YES! No one even questioned him or if he was still in training or not. So Proud!

We went to the car and I seat belted Anam in. I looked at him sitting there with his chest puffed out looking all proud and tears filled my eyes. He's such a smart dog. As much as he's a goofball and ignores me sometimes, when it counts, he steps up and does a beautiful job! What did I do with out him? As a reward we went to Sonic and he got a water with ice in it. He LOVES thier crushed ice! (So do I) He was a very happy puppy... and I had watery drool running down my arm. Totally Worth It! (I got a Peach Ring Slush as my reward! Hey! I trained him! LOL)

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